Friday 25 April 2008

Bass For Your Face

Some of you may be familiar with my associates blog, Greetings from Syrtec. I  checked it out yesterday , and came across his high recommendation of LA rock band, No Age. I was familiar with No Age, but had never given their Mixtape/EP, Weirdo Rippers, a legitimate listen. After recently playing the album through a couple of times, I have to both agree and disagree with my associate's point of view. On the one hand, No Age manages to create brilliant Art Rock music that is both accessible and deep. However, on the other, No Age can come off as unfocused and not confident enough to strip down their purely noise sound. Fuzz, reverb,echoes, and general static create the atmosphere used to frame the excellent Rock/Punk music that lies at the album's core. When No Age decides to break away from this fuzz  and distortion it's comparable to the glaring sun busting through the suffocating cover of dark clouds. It's almost like No Age is rewarding their listeners for dealing with some tracks that go nowhere, which at best could be described as some artistic filler. Nonetheless, No Age's Rock/Punk music couldn't survive without it's distorted soundscape, and this distortion couldn't survive without the pure Rock/Punk. Overall, the standout tracks do no disappoint, and Weirdo Rippers as a whole is a very cool and original album. I enjoy it more with every listen, so I recommend checking it out, but it may not be for everyone. Standouts include ''Everybody's Down'', ''My Life's Alright Without You'', and ''Neck Escaper.'' Also, keep and eye out for their upcoming LP-- Nouns

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